Mediately Register Zdravil 4.7 [free]


POSEBNA NAGRADA DRZNI 2014 — časnik Medicina Danes
Mediately Register Zdravil - Popolna zbirka podatkov o zdravilih na voljo v Sloveniji.
Z aplikacijo lahko brskate po bazi več kot 7.000 zdravil s podrobnimi informacijami, ki vključujejo:
- Osnovne informacije o zdravilu (učinkovina, sestava, proizvajalec, izdajanje, lista, omejitve, oznake);
- Pomembne informacije iz SmPC datotek (odmerjanje, indikacije, kontraindikacije, neželeni učinki, nosečnost, interakcije, pakiranje in cena, posebna opozorila, vpliv na
sposobnost, preveliko odmerjanje, farmakodinamika, farmakokinetika);
- ATC klasifikacijo in paralele zdravil;
- Medsebojno zamenljiva zdravila in terapevtske skupine zdravil;
- Pakiranja in cene;
- MKB-10-AM klasifikacijo
- Dostop do celotnih SmPC in PIL PDF dokumentov (potrebuje povezavo).
Orodja, ki vam pomagajo v vsakodnevni praksi:
- BMI (body mass index);
- BSA (body surface area);
- CHA2DS2-VASc (Score for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk);
- Child-Pugh Score;
- GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale);
- GFR (MDRD Formula);
- HAS-BLED (Risk of Major Bleeding in Patients with AF);
- Kalkulator ocene dejavnikov tveganja GVT (Caprini);
- NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale);
- PERC Rule;
- Padua točkovnik (ocena tveganja VTE)
- Wells’ Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism;.
Aplikacija omogoča hiter in učinkovit dostop do ključnih informacij, kjerkoli, kadarkoli.
Baza se redno posodablja, tako da imate vedno na voljo najnovejše informacije. Za razširitev baze je potrebnih 120 MB prostora na SD kartici ali na telefonu.

Special awards winced 2014 - newspaper Medicine Today
Mediately Register of Medicinal Products - Complete database of drugs available in Slovenia.
With the app you can browse the database of more than 7,000 drugs with detailed information, including:
- Basic information on this medicinal product (substance, composition, manufacturer, supply, sheet constraints, tags);
- Important information from the SPC file (dosing, indications, contraindications, side effects, pregnancy, interactions, packaging and price, special warnings, the impact
on the ability overdose, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics)
- ATC classification of medicines and parallels;
- Interchangeable medicinal and therapeutic drug groups;
- Packages and prices;
- ICD-10-AM classification
- Access to the full SmPC and PIL PDF documents (requires connection).
Tools that help you in everyday practice:
- BMI (body mass index);
- BSA (body surface area);
- CHA2DS2-Vasca (Score for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk);
- Child-Pugh Score;
- GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale);
- GFR (MDRD formula);
- HAS-pale (Risk of Major Bleeding and Patients with AF);
- Calculator estimates the risk factors GVT (Caprini);
- NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale);
- PERC Rule;
- Padua scoreboard (VTE Risk Assessment)
- Wells' Criteria for Pulmonary embolism ;.
The application allows fast and efficient access to critical information, anywhere, anytime.
The database is updated regularly, so you always have the latest information. To extend the database is required 120 MB of free space on the SD card or on the phone.

Old Versions

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  • App Name: Mediately Register Zdravil
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • App Code: com.nejctomsic.registerzdravil
  • Version: 4.7
  • Requirement: 5.0 or higher
  • File Size : 60.76 MB
  • Updated: 2018-08-27